The Olden Days

I created this blog in 2012, I believe.

Since then I've done a helluva lot of growing, and many things have changed.
In the event that you would like to read some [probably embarrassing] old posts, here they are:

"Business" - it seems I'm always trying to think of new things to do. So here was me trying to shoot my shot with making earrings:

New Business?? <=== announcement!

Newsletters - a while ago, I was ambitious and thought I would be the type to be able to keep up with Newsletters. News flash, I'm not. But who knows, right?

Also, there's a donate button if you feel so lead, because why not?

Newsletters from West Palm (this one is really just what was supposed to be the one below)

Life As I Know It - 2013 and before. 


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