Goob City


This happened.
I graduated into Goob City (as if I haven't already been there my entire life)
So I took it upon myself to fail at taking pictures of myself getting ready.
Yes, as in I was planning on making this whole cool, "let's follow Anna around with a camera as she gets ready" thing, but...that didn't happen. But no fears, I did manage to take a few.

See. A few.
But then these happened...

Isn't this one cool??? For those of you who don't know, if you put pictures into your Google account, they make cool things like this one here. 

And now I know you're just absolutely dying to see me walking down the aisle....(i bet you're really not but you're just pretending, so as to make me feel better-it's okay. I understand. Thanks for your effort)





 Tada! Yeah, I'm all the way in the back...the perks of alphabetical order and your last name beginning with a "T"

And the best part of graduation...

Walking back down the aisle...


Yes. This face did in face happen. Take it in people, this girl has now entered Goob City for life.

And now begins the "Dad takes a many stalker pictures as he can" point of the day.

 And as if you didn't have enough of a glimpse into Goob City, here's some more.

And now...the friend pictures =]

Yes. This happened...both our Valedictorians and our Salutatorian at some point in their speech, got annoyed with the tassels and blew them out of their faces. Or made annoyed faces at them. They are quite the annoying little things.

See. Annoying...

 Guess who else is in Goober Land?

 ^^ This one...

 The classic hug picture =]

 And here's one where we don't have tassels in our mouths.

 I'm really going to miss these three <3

 "Okay so how do we do this?"

And this one... <3 (notice the heels)

This girl right here ^^ (the pretty one) has been with me through thick and thin. I could not imagine going through high school without her, and she has been there for me even when i'm not being the nicest. I am going to miss her sooooo much, but I know that Liberty University has gained such an amazing girl, and they are truly blessed to have her. Anyone she comes in contact with will be changed for the better, and I take comfort in the fact that God put her in my life for just that reason. I love this girl so much, and I wish her the best in college <3

And now for the complete view into the official Gooooooooob Cityyy!!!

I know you're judging me right now and thinking, "Isn't this weirdo a dancer? Shouldn't she be able to hold her balance?"

Yes. Yes I should. There was a fly...That I was, erm...trying to catch.........yeah.

The part of the Taylor family that could make it =] (Tim and Steph were saving up for our trip to Wyoming, and Emily was in Charleston being a beast)

I can't...stand on this

Okay. There we go.

My wonderful, wonderful Grandparents that made a trip all the way from Michigan. <3

As if you didn't have enough...

 Another one of Google's awesomeness.

 And another.

They think I'm funny. It's great.

For more on the graduation party and those type of shenanigans, go here.

This post was brought to you by Goob City. Where there is no shame, and the goobs will be goobs.


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