Be Brave and Dance

Emily and I just had an adventure.

Okay so maybe we just went out to lunch and then decided to go to Toys 'R Us afterwards since it was right there and we wanted to see what toys they had.

Highly disappointing by the way. Legos these days are so expensive!


We were on our way back home, and Katy Perry's new song "Roar" came on, and Emily informed me that there was drama between her and Sara Bareilles because it sounded like Sara's new song. I realized that it in fact does.

So when I got home I wanted to listen to Sara Bareilles' song, and realized there was a music video.

Well I have a weird thing for music videos. I could watch them all day long. It's terrible.

Maybe that's why I always have an urge to make music videos for every song......

Anywho. I was highly amused by her music video and I was "roaring" with laughter.

^^Ha. Get it? Like Katy's new song? Oh man. I crack myself up sometimes.

Well without further ado, I give you Sara Bareilles' music video for her new song "Brave".

Now since this is my blog, and I like to pretend that I'm witty and what not, I would like to make some comments about this.

First of all, I've always liked Sara, but now I have a huge appreciation for her because this is absolutely fantastic. I think that we can all learn a thing or a thousand from her. Who says we can't break out into random dance? Doesn't everyone always want to do that anyways?

I mean I do. So why not? And I find that this goes quite well with my blog. Dance can be incorporated into everyday life. Let's have a moment of honesty...every dances when they're alone. Whether it's in your car (guilty), in your room (guilty), around your house (guilty even when i'm not alone in the house), or at random points whenever you feel it coming on (way too guilty). So why not join together in this dancing?

And it technically doesn't even have to be literal dancing. But dancing makes everything more fun. Do you know how many people you could make smile if you were dancing even just inside your head? Dancing makes everyone happy. It's a known fact of life. Possibly because at moments when our hearts are just full of happiness, those are the times we dance. But it makes the world a brighter place. It truly does. So go ahead and watch this video a couple of thousands of times as you laugh and smile, and have the urge to bust out and do the same thing.

God created dancing to be a joyous thing. That's why David never had any shame when He danced before God. It was an act of worship. He was so elated that he had to let God know in a different way. Worship doesn't always have to be portrayed as everything thinks it should be. Alot of people in the church had trouble accepting dance as a form of worship, and even as a lifestyle. But why would dancing be a thing if God had not given it a good purpose to serve in the world?

So I challenge you to be brave and dance. Let it all out there. Make some people smile. Make some people join in. You never know who's day you're making, or whose life you're saving by spreading some joy.

And thus is the point of my blog. Dance collides with everything. All The World Should Dance. If all the world danced, the world would be a much happier place.

And on another note, my sister-in-law shared this video with her bloggers, and so I want to share it too. Because this is great. Just like her, I love this song, and the music video is too fun not to share. So have at it folks! Go do some more dancing!


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