

That is now my mascot.

This girl is ohFISHally a Palm Beach Atlantic University student.'re on.

(you'll have to excuse the terrible phone pictures due to the lack of space on my computer to download any more pictures...once I get my new compy, I will hopefully be back to amazing pictures from my lovely Cannon Rebel T2i which I love so dearly)

But enough of that right? You want to see my dorm room? I thought so.

Here's the main area. If you can call it that...

And here's my desk area. Except...this is a terrible picture. And it's not updated yet...

Here's my more lived in picture. =]

See my handy notes? Yeah. Inspirational quotes are very inspirational sometimes.

And if this was a better picture, you would see that I am currently working on this blog post! Wow...fancy that. Writing a blog post while writing a blog post. Mind blown? Good. Me neither.

And here's my closet!! I just finished this today. I had to buy three more sets of hangers because I realized that I actually brought nice clothes to college...fancy that!

And that's about it for now folks!

And to leave you off with some goobishness here is a picture of me with my my sailfish freshman hat (affectionately known as my "Mr. Mr. Fish hat hat" -don't think about it too hard. your brain might explode)

Well folks, that's it for now from this college kid. College makes me feel cooler, so maybe i'll blog more (cuz i'll feel cooler blogging too) <---goob.

With all my collegiate love,
     the goob of college


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