Two Thousand!

I found that amusing.

And appropriate. Since it's 2013!


You guys rock!!!!

I figured for this one, I would teach you all a game.

Answer these three questions in detail...(i'll answer them so that you can get to know me better and so that you can understand how it works) and post your answers if you'd like!!!

Actually, write down your answers either in the comment section, or on a piece of paper as you go. That way you will remember exactly what you said. And don't forget the details!!

1. What's your favorite color?

So mine is blue because it's a very calming color, and it's so pretty. It's got a "cool" feeling to it, and it really sets you in a great mood.

2. What is your favorite animal?

Don't laugh. But mine is a cow. I love cows because they make me so giddily happy. Everytime I drive by them I wave at them, and I feel that if they had hands, they would wave back. But instead they moo, and I feel that that's their sign of telling me that we're friends. Cows and I are always instant friends. They're just so cute with their "moo"s!

3. What is your favorite part about nature?

Easy. The mountains. I feel closer to God when I'm up that high. I love the crisp air, and breathing it in is so refreshing. I feel like when I breath in that air, and when I'm hiking the mountains, and doing whatever else up there, all my cares are wiped away, and I feel as light as the mountain air.

********Make sure you do not look at this until you have written your answers down, and answered all of the questions!!!********

So now, I know you're thinking that I rigged my answers, but I promise I didn't. I answered the questions, and I just love how it turns out.

So the words that you used in question 1 (favorite color) is the way you want people to view you. So for example, I want people to see me as someone who calms them down and puts them in a good mood. (which is so accurate)

Question 2 is what you look for in a boy (or in a boy's case, a girl). I find this absolutely hysterical, because apparently I look for a cow?? But it's actually really funny because this too, is dead on. I want someone who makes me so happy, and who I'm instant friends with, and want to wave to all the time.

Question 3 is words that you would use to describe God or what things you love about Him. I loveee this one. God is the one who takes away all my cares. When I truly breath Him in, my cares are all forgotten about.

This is such a fun game to play with other people, because you get to know them on such an intimate and interesting level, and it is a great way to get to know people! We played this game on our workship project, and it was so cool to hear the other girls' responses and such.

Enjoy this game, and you guys are awesomee!! Comment your answers! I want to get to know you guys!


With 2,000% of my love,
     the girl in awe of how many pageviews her tiny blog has


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