A Headless Chicken & a God bigger than Boogeyman

Sometimes we walk through our lives like chickens with no heads.

Like this one.

As my grandparents, my mom and I sat around late at night, my PopPop mentioned a story he had heard about of a Chicken that went on living without a head for an entire week before it passed away.

He talked about how it would run around blindly, running into walls and turning around to find another path to walk.

I mean, imagine watching that. A chicken. With no head. Running into walls. That right there is one of the funniest pictures I can think of. That along with my dance teacher hitting a duck in the head with a golf ball.

That is how I feel like I live sometimes. I don't think with my head, and I let my body run around blindly running into walls and other ridiculous things that I shouldn't be running into.

I find that when I feel like I am living in such a manner, I am not putting God first, and I am not thinking of Him and talking to Him as much as I should be.

I find myself running into problems and trials that I wouldn't be running into if I had my head on straight and was following God as fervently as I should be. There are things in my life that I am very ashamed to have struggled with in the past, and when I forget to keep God first in my life, those things dance their way back into my life, and haunt me. I almost get swung back into these things, but then I realize that I'm acting like that chicken. I'm running around and not thinking about anything.

You see, Satan likes to try and chop our heads off. He is always trying to find ways to tear us away from God and get us to "join the dark side" where they have cookies. He is very deceitful and very good as his job. But God is better. God has cupcakes. And ain't nuthin better than cupcakes.

We (and no worries-I am very much included in this "we") have to remember God always, and remember that with Him, we have eyes to see, a brain to think, and ears to hear so that we do not run into wall and run into things that are better left in our past.

*Bunny Trail*
   Our past, no matter how terrible it may be, molds us into what we are today. I have often struggled with this idea. I hate my past sometimes. But then I think of God. And realize that my life has been like the blind man in the Bible...
"As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

-John 9:1-7
   See, sometimes we cannot see why something has happened, but God choreographs our life into a beautiful dance. We may make mistakes, but God uses those mistakes. Need an earthly example of how that can happen? Balanchine and his ballet, "Serenade". 

   Well I was going to put up a video of it, but I couldn't find one. Well I will just explain. During a dress rehearsal for his ballet, the curtain went up and the front and center girl was running a bit late (pun completely intended) and ran frantically into her spot on the stage as the curtain was rising. Balanchine called off the music, walked up to the stage, and instead of what the girl thought was going to be a terrifying yell, he simply said something along the lines of "I like it. Keep it." (obviously paraphrasing). 

    So as you can see, mistakes can be made into beauty. And that is something I have struggled with, but have started to come to terms with as I get further and further into my life on this earth. This does not give me freedom to do whatever I chose to and then count on God's grace and mercy to get me out of it, but He is a gracious and merciful God, and He allows for our mistakes to shape us into who we are today. 

*End of Bunny Trail*

If we run around like Headless Chickens, we will fall into the Devil's schemes. We are called to protect ourselves from Satan's schemes in Ephesians 6:11. We need to keep our head on straight, and watch out for those walls along with those butcher tools Satan is trying to swing at us. 

If I may be so bold, I would like to ask you a favor. Now please do not walk away from this now. You've read this far, so please please please keep reading. 

I would like to ask that you pray for me as I go off to the college world. Yes I am going to a Christian School. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Satan is a strong force in this world today, and he is everywhere trying to steal us away from God. I would appreciate it so much if you would just pray that I would continue to keep my eyes and ears and everything else, focused on God so that I do not become a Headless Chicken. 

And I too shall pray for all the chickens in the world. And I guess I'll pray for the people too. That we all shall keep our heads on straight and not get distracted by the evils of this world. 

So thank you PopPop. Your humorous story has turned into a lesson for all of us. 

Also, I apologize for the lack of pictures, but I hope that my words were entertaining enough that you were still able to enjoy my little rantings of lessons that I've learned in my life. 

I hope that you may have found something useful and encouraging in this post, and I pray that your head will stay on!

Because despite popular culture, we do not want "Heads will roll" to become a universal truth. We would like our heads thank you-God is bigger than the boogeyman afterall. 


  1. Dear God... please help Anna not to be a headless chicken. Thanks!


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