Some of God's Gifts

So those of you who know me really well, are quite honestly probably very surprised at how easy college has been for me. Because you know that change and Anna do not mix very well.

Well folks...that is what happens when God's love is showered over you even when you don't deserve it. I have been so incredibly blessed by coming to this school, and I just wanted to share with you some things that have made it so great.

Well okay...all I'm going to show you is pictures of my amazing friends. But still. They truly are blessings from God.

So the other weekend (yes, not this past weekend...i'm truly terrible at blogging in college as suspected), us freshman dance girls decided that we needed to go on a photoshoot.

Now before you go flipping out and thinking that I had another amazing dance photoshoot....not yet.

**keyword: yet**

We were going to, but then realized it was too hot to do both a regular photoshoot and a dance photoshoot. But one of these weekends, there will be a plethora of dance pictures.

So let the showing of these beautiful ladies begin!
(oh and i'm in there occasionally as well)

(and before we start, you should know that the lovely Gracelyn took the pictures of me, and the wonderful Maegan took the pictures of Gracelyn and I)

and thus starts the madness/gorgeousness.


she's kind of perfect.

and has a ridiculously pretty what? yeah. gorgeous.


you think her name is pretty?

just look at her.


she also has a ridiculously pretty laugh. same some gorgeous for the rest of the world!

oh did I mention her name is Maegan Foxx? legit.
(she's way prettier and cooler than the famous one)

and introducing...yours truly-the goob of all goobs.

I can be normal!

Now you look at those and think "my goodness they're all gorgeous!" spoke too soon.
because these goobs...

are the founders of goob city.
or honk city.

classic friends picture.

Yeah...she's kind of pretty.

but for real.

Maegan Foxx folks.
(seriously though...she should really go into modeling...comment if you agree!)

you know me. always taking random pictures of random people.

you should see her skin...

it's literally perfect.
and I loved her skin for this lighting. the sun just glowed off of her.

did I mention how long and tall she is?
consider yourself told.

normal picture?


in case you were wondering....
I mean. I guess I can be normal sometimes.

this girl...she knows how to smize.

and also smile.

and also use her eyes.

and this girl can too.

seriously...notice how green this dress makes her eyes look.

she's kind of beautiful.

she should also model.

comment if you agree!

and remember how I was talking about her skin?
and you were probably thinking to yourself how creepy I was for saying that?

look at it.

you can't tell me you aren't totally jellin on her skin.

and the fact that she looks attractive when she laughs.

and if you haven't noticed...

we laugh a lot.

and struggle with plants.

but also look gorgeous while doing all of it.

I mean come on...

this is what we do on our weekends...

who wouldn't want to come to school here?

she's convincing you to come here. I can tell.

and then Anna tries to model...

and clearly doesn't know what her hands are doing.

so why not practice some Mambo?

and then attempt again.

I don't know if any words I say can do these next pictures justice.

And so I leave you with this picture because I know this picture is making you want to see the rest of the pictures.
Well you're in luck.
I just really didn't want to overwhelm you with the billions of pictures I have.
With all my photographic love,
    the girl who made friends in college


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