The End is Near (National Fine Arts Prep)

So National Fine Arts is coming up way too quickly!! It is now in two weeks time and the photography session has begun!

In case you forgot what the first picture looked like that passed me not only to districts with a perfect score but onto nationals...


So the corrections they gave me to improve this picture were not very do-able. So I decided to do another photoshoot. Since my trusty model Emily DeVito is in New York at ABT (American Ballet Theatre) being completely awesome! and miss Katie Capilla was visiting, I figured who better to be my model??

So let the picture showing begin! Like I did with Emily, I will show you my favorite of each type of picture. Except since we took more similar pictures this time, there may be a few favorites of each. =]

 Now let's take a look behind the scenes!
 "uhhhhh....well....we could.....uhhh...."
 "yeah don't think this is going to work."
 "how about like you stand here, do this, you know."
 "so like this?"
 "k can i have the camera back?"

 "here fishy fishy fishy..."

 we tried to splash her didn't work very well.

 she's a tree hugger.

 i think this is my favorite. do some touching up and it'll be my first runner up.
 i asked her to do an arabesque...she wasn't very cooperative.
 so she just posed.
and looked cool.

so there you have it! there's the photoshoot for Nationals! I may do another photoshoot, but i'm not sure. If I do, you'll definitely see it. So until then, these will have to hold you over.

If you so wish, you could tell me which is your favorite. I could definitely use the input!


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